Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Bike More to beat the Gas Prices

I drove to work yesterday with half of my bike hanging out of the trunk of my car. I followed the same route that I would normally take with my bike. It took me about 35 minutes. On my bike it normally takes about 26 or 27 minutes. I rode the bike back to the house last night and I really enjoy it with this nice weather.

This morning I ran about 4.5km at 5:18/km pace with the shins tapped up. It was nice and relaxed, but I can tell that my conditioning is coming down, it's not as easy to run 5k. There was no pain in the shins during or after. The right one is a little tighter than I expect, but OK.

I also rode my bike into work this morning and will ride the bike back to the house this evening.

The shins were a little sore at Physio though... Take another 2 days off of running and see how they feel. Just gotta keep it easy and do the strengthening exercises. I might look into doing some pool running.

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