Sunday, March 26, 2006

5k around the bay

The morning started out right. Donna had all the snacks for the kids prepared. I had my running gear all lined up. The race started at 9:45, so we wanted to leave by 6:45 to give us lots of time. We had to make 3 stops along the way. First one was for Donna's coffee, the next 2 were washroom breaks for all of us.

I Started the warmup about 50 minutes before the race. A very easy run to the 3k marker and then back to the coliseum were I left my warmup gear with Donna and the kids. Then I put the racing flats on. Oh man did it ever feel great. They feel so much better than those heavy trainers. Head off to do some strides and then went to the line up with about 6 minutes to go. I was a little shocked by how many people were all ready lined up. I tried to plug my way closer to the front, but did not want to be rude. There were people that were in front of me that I knew would not be able to run faster than me, but what can you do. I stayed back and waited for the gun to go off. I thought it would never come, the announcer said a minute and half to go. I waited and saw Ken up in front, about 10 or so rows in front of me. The count down started, then the gun went off, I pressed the start timer on my garmin and we were off.

I had to pass people on the outside, inside, and watch for others that were trying to pass as well. At about 1k things started to settle down so I took at look at the Garmin. The screen was blank. I said something that I don't think I can type here. I thought oh well, I guess I'll have to go by feel for this one. I started to breath somewhat heavy and I knew that I would be going up hills around the 3 and 4k markers. So I backed off ever so slightly, but I also knew that I have not done any real hard speed work in the last while and it is a 5k, so I couldn't back off too much. The 2k marker came up. I could feel the legs warming up real good now. I was still passing people by this point, I must have passed about 50 or so. I started to settle down with someone in a grey shirt. I stuck with him for about 1k, then he pulled away at the hills. I did not feel like I could keep up with him, but I kept on going as best I could. The breathing was getting really heavy know and this darn cough was still giving me a little problem as well. I passed 2 or 3 more around the 4k marker but I was pushing myself. They passed me right in front of the coliseum. The funny thing is when your at the end of the race, you have a choice; do you want to give it everything or just hang in there at the current pace. I was happy with the current pace and I didn't want to rip anything apart. I know I could have shaved another 5 or so seconds off, but it was still my best result. :-)

Another PB: 18:39 chip time. 18:43 gun time.

Also, the legs feel fantastic. How can that be? How can they feel more loose after the race than before? No shin splints either, maybe a little inflammation or heat but no lasting soreness. I also tried to watch my stride and not over stride. It's a little hard in the race, but I think I was able to kepp my feet landing closer to my body.

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