Tuesday, July 18, 2006

200m in 40 easy...

I had a little change in plans.

Yesterday, I took a last minute vacation day and went to the beach yesterday with Donna and the kids. I had to get into work early and left at 4:30AM this morning. Therefore, I did the workout last night around 7:30 in the hot sticky and humid weather.

Oh how it feels good to be running faster.

The marathon pace run was 3km in 13:38 or 4:32/km or 7:18/mile. There was a little more breathing than I would have liked, probably due to the humidity. I recovered quickly and got on to the 200m. The first one shows 41 seconds but I forgot to press the lap button until I was passed the marker, which is really at about 202m. The next one, after a 2 minute rest, went a little faster with less effort, the time showed 40. I tried to run fast but in control. I take this too mean that your close to max speed, but hold back and work on your form. The tables show that I should not have gone any faster than 42 seconds. I don't think that the 2 seconds will make that much of a difference, but I did try.

We'll see what I should really be training at after Friday.

What a blast! Loved it.

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