Monday, May 08, 2006

Threads Of Life

Yesterday I ran/jogged a 5k on wards island with my youngest boy, Brandon, who is 4 years old. We started off at the back of the pack to catch up to his older brother (Jared) and the sister of a dear friend of mine that was killed in an accident at work. After we passed them, I tried to keep Brandon motivated and got him to run a bit more. He said he was getting tired, he was running to fast and I told to slow down and take it easy. He did, for a bit and then said he was getting tired again. It must of been about a kilometer that he ran by himself. I then put him on my shoulders and jogged until he wanted down. I asked him if he was going to run. He said no, so told him to stay on my shoulders. The next time he asked, he said he would run. This was probably around 2km. He ran for a bit and then wanted to walk. I asked him to run until the next bench on the boardwalk. He did and then I put him back on my shoulders. We had passed a number of people even some other joggers and I didn't want them to catch up. Pretty sad, to be that competitive. We did this, running with him on my shoulders for a bit and then putting him down and getting him to run all the way back to the finish line. I don't think it took us any longer than 30 minutes. He is one fast little runner. I checked his shins to see if they were inflamed, I just couldn't resist. They were not.

My best friend was killed, when a limousine that he was working on, without stands under the axles fell off the car jack and on to him. It is a really shitty thing that happened, but for the last 2 years we have gone to this event to grieve his death. To find out more about the threads of life you can go to

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