Monday, May 29, 2006

Knock On Wood

It seems like things are finally coming together. Saturday I ran a short 3.24km on grass in 17:08. Sunday I ran the trail with a heart rate monitor and the garmin. The garmin was not working very well in the tree covered areas, so I think that the distance is a little off. It measured 9.22km in 51:40. The full loop when measured in the early spring was about 6.8 to 7km, When I use the sportTracks mapping tool to figure out the loop as per yesterdays readings, I get 6.48. That is a whole 0.5 km off. So if I add this in the total is 9.72km in 51:40. This would make my pace at 5:15, fairly close to the target I set out for yesterday. This shins are feeling good.
The heart rate monitor gave me an average of 159 beats/min. I really don't know what my max is. Using 220 minus my age is probably not that accurate (188). If I use that then I was running at 85%, but it was warm out and humid, about 26ÂșC, which elevatess the heart higher and should be taken into consideration as well. I am sure that my max is higher than this, I had it the low 190's last year. When I start doing track work, I'll measure it.

This weeks plan:
Monday: 15 minutes on grass
Tuesday: 15 minutes on grass
Wednesday: 45 minutes on grass
Thursday: 15 minutes on grass
Friday: 15 minutes on grass

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