Saturday, January 06, 2007

Gotta get the train back on track

I have been really busy lately and a not very motivated. I think that the biggest reason has to do with me trying to sell my house. I rarely travel for work any more so my current arrangement (me staying in Toronto and then going home to Exeter on the weekends) no longer makes sense. I have a house in Whitby that is conditional upon the sale of my house in Exeter. It is a little stressful.
My legs have not improved to "perfection". I expected to have no pain or inflammation (or very little) in my shins after running. I am coming to the point of "not giving a shit" anymore and will train regardless. This doesn't mean I should be stupid about it. I will do a number of different things to reduce it:
- MSM supplement,
- Ice baths every once in a while, (not every run)
- Hot/Cold on the legs after some runs, (which I stopped because someone told me not to, but it works for me)
- Ice cubs on the shins,
- cross train
- slow doubles

I think I have enough of a routine down, now I just have to get consistent again.
That I think requires some goal setting.

I plan to run in the runner's choice runs next year even though I am planning on moving to Whitby, my family and wife's family live in the Exeter area.

The first race is April 6, 2006 which is a 5k.

I have put on some pounds (165) by not watching what I eat. I want to get that down to 155 by the spring. 4 months, 2.5lbs each month.

1 comment:

Eric said...

He's back! Good to see you're still around, sorry you're still messing around with those shins.

Keep at it, and good luck!