Sunday, January 14, 2007

Flexible Ankles? Prevent Shin Splints?

Is it really that simple?

It seems every time I read from Arthur Lydiard's book, Running to the top, I pick something up that I either missed or didn't pay enough attention to the first time. My most read section, of course, is a really small section about shin splints. The best prevention is flexible ankles.

Tight ankle and calf muscles prevent flexible ankles. Massage therapy may loosen the muscles up, but once every 3 weeks is not enough and I can't afford to do that every day. So what can I do to keep those muscles relaxed and loose?
Stretching only after a run isn't enough. Calcium magnesium supplement doesn't seem to be enough. I finally dropped drinking coffee or anything with caffeine last week. That has helped too. I am going to do something else that Arthur mentions in his book every day; calf raises. I am also going to try and do some ankle exercises from my physio last summer. Some consistency in my running might also help.

As you can see I have been all over the map in mileage (in kilometers) for the last couple of months. This may also explain some of my weight gain.

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