Saturday, June 03, 2006

Slow and Steady

The training is starting to look better and better all the time now. This weeks running:

Sunday: South Huron Trail 9.22km in 51:40, 5:18/km( miles, 8:33/mi)
Monday: Grass 3.52km in 18:37, 5:17/km (2.19 miles, 8:30/mi)
Tuesday: Grass 3.35km in 18:31, 5:31/km (2.08 miles, 8:53/mi)
Wednesday: Grass 7.05km in 36:59, 5:14/km, (4.38 miles, 8:26/mi)
Thursday: off
Friday: Grass 4.34km in 21:41, 5:00/km (2.69 miles, 8:00/mi)
Saturday: South Huron Trail 9.73km in 49:43, 5:06/km (6.05 miles, 8:13/mi)

Total of 37.7km in 3:17:11,5:13/km (23.43 miles, 8:24/mi)

I ran with Ken today, and next week he racing in a 5000m track meet. He ran it in 16 something last year and he is hoping to improve on his time this year. I wish him the best. The Garmin is just not working very well on the trail anymore and it didn't really feel like we were going that fast. We were chatting up a storm too.

A really good week, man it feels good to be running again!

The shins are ok I will be going to speak to Robert on Monday. My biggest questions for him will be:
1) Can I correct the overstriding, if so then how? (Maybe he can tell me something I have not read yet.
2) Why is the inflammation in my shins caused by the overstriding mechanically? I want to know more details.
3) Show him the following graphs and see what he has to say.

I hope that I can keep this progress up and get to the state I was at in January without injury.

The following graphs shows my weekly mileage for the year. Ignore the first week, it is when I got the Garmin.

Next Weeks plan is to run on the grass, 2 days at 20 minutes, 1 at 50 minutes and then 2 at 20 minutes and then back here on the trail for an hour, if things go well on Monday.

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